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Where Pre-Retirees & Retirees

Align Money With Meaning

Live the life you’d relive with tax-centric financial planning.

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"Aligning money towards a life that lets you do what you want, when you want, with who you want, where you want, for as long as you want, has incredible return."

- Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

After working hard towards your future, it's important to be intentional with every dollar to reach your financial goals.

At Birch Street Financial Advisors, we specialize in optimizing innovative tax strategies to prepare you for a stress-free retirement. With a personalized retirement plan, we will align your values with your human and financial resources, along with the autonomy to control how you spend your time.

Who We Serve

Have you had your head down, saving diligently for the future but not really knowing exactly what it looks like or what you were saving for? Do you want to be more intentional about accumulating for and living your best life before and into retirement?

If you’re in your late 40’s to early 50’s, let’s establish your plan to get to the next chapter.

Some questions you may have:

  • Can I leave the salaried job and start my own venture?
  • What are my retirement options?
  • When can we enjoy experiences on our bucket list?
  • How do we fund college education costs?
  • Do we have our risks managed?
  • Is our estate plan protecting our children and beneficiaries?

You’re in your late 50’s to 60’s.

We can help answer the following:

  • How do we fund retirement activities?
  • How do we create a family gathering space with a second home?
  • When should I start taking Social Security?
  • How do I effectively fund a long-term care event?
  • How do I help an aging parent?
  • Can I help my adult children?
  • What kind of legacy can I leave?

Case Studies

Case Study 1

Big Picture Planning

Angela & Dan

Ages: 48 & 50

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Case Study 2

Approaching Retirement

Monique & Martin

Ages: 56 & 60

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Case Study 3

Retire with Work Optional


Age: 65

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Why Work With Me?

No Commissions

As a fee-only advisor, our compensation is directly tied to client fees rather than commissions, fostering a client-focused approach and minimizing potential conflicts of interest. 

Unbiased Guidance

We will always prioritize your best interests, offering trustworthy and unbiased financial guidance.

20+ Years of Experience

As an experienced CFP® and CPA, we deliver vital expertise in comprehensive financial planning and strategic tax advice, ensuring clients benefit from informed solutions. With a commitment to ongoing education, we guarantee to stay current with industry changes to provide the most accurate solutions.

Committed Partner

Collaborating with us during the financial planning process ensures you receive personalized guidance, optimize your strategies, and accelerate the achievement of your financial goals.

Joanne Burke Photo

Joanne Burke

Founder, Financial Planner


I will work to help you live the life you’d relive. I know firsthand that it isn't easy going alone on the journey to define and work toward financial goals. I graduated from college in debt. I had to finance my undergraduate and master’s degrees. I worked throughout college, took out loans and applied for grants. Once I graduated and started earning real money, I knew I needed to “save for retirement” but had gotten conflicting money messages growing up about saving vs. spending. How was I going to juggle paying off student loan debt, save for retirement and a first home purchase? In addition, from my experience, I knew someday I wanted to give my children the gift of an education. I had to figure out how to pay for college, fund my retirement, fund my kid’s education and possibly help my aging parents on my own. This is what drew me to financial planning.

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